Tác giả :

The 59th AUN-QA Assessment for programme level at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (HCMUTE) was held from 15 - 17 March 2016 in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam. Three study programmes, namely; Mechatronics Engineering Technology, Automotive Engineering Technology, and Electrical - Electronics Engineering Technology were assessed. The assessment of the Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering Technology programme was led by Prof. Dr. Satria Bijaksana (Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia) with Dr. Robert Roleda (De La Salle University, Philippins).

Higher education plays a crucial role in the social – economic development of any countries. While pursuing their missions, universities, therefore have to pay attentions to two objectives: quality and accountability. The first objective focuses on the quality assurance and improvement processes in order to provide good services; while the second one aims at guaranteeing the quality of the services provided to society.

ASEAN University Network (AUN) is a non-profit organization, operating based on the voluntary spirit established in 1995 with 13 member universities of 7 countries. The operational objectives of AUN is to strengthen the cooperation between universities in the region, the academic exchanges, the research and training programs in the priority areas of the region, the cooperation and solidarity among scholars, educators and researchers within the member universities in the region, and to be an agency for policy direction of higher education in the Southeast Asia. In order to share the experience, to learn together and to strengthen the credibility and confidence in the higher education quality of the member universities, AUN founded the AUN-QA criteria (ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance) to assess the quality of higher education  training program on a voluntary basis. To be certified and mastered the quality certificate which is valid for 4 years by AUN, the programs must achieve a minimum score of 4.0/7. Up to now, the assessed score of the programs in ASEAN ranges from 4.0 to5.4. The highest score which the program achieved in the region is 5.4. 


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