Title of evidences
List of library staffs
Table of national standards for library staffs
This document provides national standards for organizing and operating an university library such as function and responsibility of library, number of staffs and number of books required,
2013 – 2018 Staff development plan with expectation by 2020
This is the UTE plan to increase number of library staff from 2013 to 2018. Although the current number of librarian is adequate to operate the library, the university will recruit a network administrator and an information service staff to enhance the library services.
Quality objectives of the library every year
This document presents quality objectives of the library every year. The objectives were set based on the feedback of student and staff, internal assessment results and the development plan of the university.
List of organized workshops and seminars
The library has held many workshops and seminars throughout the academic year such as library orientation for new student to introduce them to the library, information literacy to to improve student search strategies and encourage use of electronic databases
Invitation letter and list of linked libraries
Internal assessment results and Quality objective achievements of the library
This document presents results of internal assessment conducted every semester for library service.
List of granted awards of the library
The library and its staff have received many awards from MoET and the univesity for their service.
Plan for Talks with students; Survey form and Investigation results
Library holds Talk with student every semester to collect feedback from student for its service, answer student questions related to study, training and introduce new material, resource.
Talk and Survey report
This document presents results of Talk and student survey about library service. The results show high satisfaction of student and highlight demand for expanding range of books in library.
Survey report from HCMUTE Student Affairs Office
This document shows results of student survey conducted by Student Affairs Office from 2009 to 2014. The survey covers many aspect of educational quality such as students satisfaction, job opportunities after graduation, research achievement.
Annual Equipment replacement/supplement budget plan
To assure the excellent working status of the laboratories and workshops, an annual equipment replacement, supplement budget plan is sketched out every year so that Facility Management Officers and the Vice President in charge of facilities and equipment can consider.
List of Department lecturers participated in conferences
List of annually replaced/supplemented equipment
Annual student survey results regarding to subjects
To continuously improve the training quality of practice subjects, an online system has been created to collect student feedback on teaching work in general and practice activities in specific. The feedback summary is used as the basis for modifications in teaching and learning activities in the Department. The online feedback survey is done by the end of each semester when the subjects end. Results from 2010 to 2015 have shown that 75-80% of students satisfied with the courses of the MET program
List of Information and Network Center staffs and professional fields
List of laboratory lecturers and professional fields
Library computer room registration form for use, Computer room regulation
Freshmen Admission Plan, Admitted freshmen enrollment procedure
This document presents the freshmen admission plan, admitted freshmen enrollment procedure that admission offices have to go through during admission process. All the procedure and required documents are publicly announced and clarified through HCMUTE's website, and the procedure is done in correspondence with the MoET regulation.
Organizing plan for the Week for civil information supplementation at the beginning of every new school year
At the beginning of each new school year, HCMUTE Presidential board, Faculty/Office deans/vice deans and senior students hold an orientation for student to provide them with essential information about objectives and requirements of the study program, rules and regulations, development of the university.
Time table of the Week for civil information supplementation
Statute for consultation
This document describes roles and responsibilities of functional offices in consulting student. To support student affairs, Academic Affairs Office, Student Affairs Office, Student Services Center, Faculty Consultants, Health Center and other offices must join in if needed.
Function and Responsiblity of consultants
This Document defines the function and responsibility of consultants in detail.
Promotion decision of consultants
Student service survey results in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015
This document shows results of student survey for student service quality conducted from 2010 to 2015. These results will be analyzed and sent to all offices for improvement.